Friday, December 23, 2005
How Do you Say "No Wake" in Russian?
Past Posting - A version of this post was originally written on 7/17/05.

My boy's a speed demon. I brought him over to a friend's house and we took their boat out for the afternoon. Peanut was thrilled to say the least. This was obviously his first experience on a boat and he had a ball! We even let him take a turn driving - "fast" became his 3rd word of English.

Swimming, lunch, baseball, and riding a bike rounded out the afternoon. Aside from a minor incident involving Peanut's attempt to stand up in a hammock the day was a resounding success.

When we were leaving, Peanut gave my friend K a used-up disposable camera, her husband M a book, and their son a pair of sunglasses (mine). I'm not sure if they realized the magnitude of that gesture. For Peanut to own something that he can give away is empowering for him. His generous nature is so amazing. I'm head over heels in love with this kid.