Saturday, December 24, 2005
Mama Bear
Past Posting - A version of this post was originally written on 7/28/05.

Peanut and I went to our first group activity with the other Kidsave families. We were both so excited - my home is a good hour and 1/2 away from all the others so Peanut hasn't seen any of his friends since he first arrived.

Already in a sour mood because he hadn't gotten a bike that morning, (a miscommunication caused by my broken Russian) we hit the road on the way to see his friends. But, again, he surprised me. Even when we hit horrible road traffic he was a trouper. Peanut has taught me the true meaning of forgive and forget. When he decides to forgive me - he does so completely.

Finally we arrived at the spray park. Peanut was so excited to get to the water park he had changed into his bathing suit in the car. And, lo and behold, the ph level was off or some other lame excuse. So, on a sweltering day our kids had to sit there and LOOK at the water.

The way the kids greeted each other was hilarious. Serious faces, handshakes, a single nod of the head, and solemn statement of each other's names. Kind of how I would greet a tax auditor or funeral director. But after the formal greeting they were off playing like typicaly kids.

Several prospective adoptive families were there to "meet" the kids. It made me sick. Instead of trying to get to know any of the kids these people were wandering around the pavilion surveying our kids like they were picking out a pot roast. Gross. It brought out the Mama Bear in me. I immediately steered Peanut over to a jungle gym far away from the pavilion. Several of the other host families felt the same way. These are our kids - stay the heck away! If I'm this protective at the first event, how I am going to let him go back to Russia? I already feel like he's my son.

The good news - on the way home we picked up an old bike of my nephews. We had to put the training wheels on, though. Peanut was pretty surprised to see there were only two wheels! Thank goodness for bike helmets.