Wednesday, January 25, 2006
To B or Not to B
I received two updates about Plan B from my agency today. Plan B is a go... the agency they're partnering with has signed the agreement and the wheels on the adoption bus are going round and round.

However, for many reasons, not all of my agency's waiting parents will be included in Plan B. At this point, I'm not sure if I will be or not. So, (while I'm praying feverishly for Fursenko to sign certificates) I'm clinging onto the hope that this new plan will work for me in absence of reaccreditation. Here are my Plan B wishes and adoption dreams:

  • To B included in the new plan.
  • Once I'm registered with the MOE under this new plan, that someone make a Bline to wherever Peanut is to ensure he's OK and knows I still love and want him more than anything.
  • That, patr*nat or no patr*nat, Peanut B available for international adoption.
  • I learn of his availability Bfore I travel.
  • That I bring Peanut home long Bfore he turns 9.
  • That the rest of my fellow host families B included in this plan with me, because I couldn't do this without them.

Here's to Plan B. I should find out more soon. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Blogger Rhonda said...
Crossing fingers AND toes for you.

Blogger Her Grace said...
Yay for plan B. Or Plan A as in reAccredidation if it comes through first. Or plan C, in which we hijack a hot air balloon, fly it to Russia, pluck Peanut up and whisk him home again. Any will work. But I'm rooting for one of the first two! (