Monday, January 23, 2006
Kindness of Strangers
My sister told a coworker of hers today about my adoption process. Of course, the age-old "how much does it cost" question came up. (That always surprises me. I would never think to ask someone what the medical bills for their pregnancy came to. ) My sister gave her friend a ballpark figure and told her that the whole process has been emotionally and financially draining for me.

The next thing my sister knew, her friend was pulling out her checkbook and wrote me a check for $100. Can you believe it? I don't even know this woman. I'm just blown away by her kindness.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Kindness is one of those things that can brighten your day and often it's free. I try each day to do something kind for someone, it just makes me feel good.

I'm terribly happy for the person who gave the check, her heart must have been full for the rest of the day! And for you, Marg, just because!

Blogger Rhonda said...
That was really nice. Its good to know that some people are so deeply moved by your adoption of Peanut! (People you don't even know!) Its funny how you find support in places you'd never expect.

Blogger Sig said...
That is so heartwarming, Margaret. There are very kind and generous people in this world.
I hope Peanut comes home soon.

Blogger bethee said...
The kindness that people show still amazes me. Thats so COOL!