Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Fuzzy Math
I just didn't have a good feeling about switching to the OA. Today I crunched the numbers again and this is where it stands:

  • If I stay with my current agency I still have a MAXIMUM of $6,713.00 to raise. A big amount, yes. But I'm cooking up a fundraiser idea and I'm hoping that my family will be able to help me out a bit.
  • If I switch to the OA I'll need to raise a MINIMUM of $11,684.00. That's at least an additional $4,971.00. Yeah, right.

So, that's that. Combine the red flags going off in my head with the added $$$ and I have my answer. I'm sticking with my original agency. If the rumors of a March accreditation meeting aren't true, I'll revisit switching agencies again. But for now, I'm good where I'm at.

On a lighter (and much less expensive) note I'm finally getting the picture frames I wanted for Peanut's room. I saw these back before Christmas and decided that they weren't practical. I can justify buying clothes and even toys for Peanut. But picture frames just don't make sense when you're living on an adoption budget. But Christmas came and went and I couldn't get these frames out of my mind. So, I've been saving my spare change for over a month and I finally have enough.

I went to the small gift shop that I first saw them at and they were (of course) gone. But, the internet's a wonderful thing. So now they're ordered and on their way!

Peanut loves American football despite the fact that the first time he played he ran into a tree.

Peanut knew about basketball, but I don't think he had played it before. Attempts at dribbling inevitably ended up with him plopping on the ground and cracking up.

My kid is tough as nails. He throws a mean ball and can catch with the best of 'em, but he doesn't want anything to do with a glove. Gloves are for wimps!

Soccer is Peanut's thing. But he doesn't play by-the-rules, mini-vans and matching-outfits soccer. Uh-uh. He plays down-dirty "I don't need no stinkin' rules" orphanage soccer!
Blogger Lauri said...
very cute picture frames.. go with your gut in regards to the agency debate... thats just my assvice however


Blogger Her Grace said...
I agree with Lauri..trust your instincts and don't jump to quickly. Cute frames!

Blogger Jennefer said...
You will be a great mom. Peanut is very lucky!

Blogger Elle said...
Stick with your gut on not switching. We looked into it last October. A might be home if we could have, but the MoE in region won't let us keep him if we switch, so I've heard.

Love the frames, but where is the hockey puck. Am I going to have to send that boy a little hockey stick? You know, football and soccer might also be fainting inducing sports also.

Blogger Rhonda said...
I agree with everyone here, your instincts are probably right on about the agency. Plus the extra $$ makes the decision for you.

He ran into a tree the first time he played football? Margaret, you are definitely going to need my brother's smelling salts.

Blogger Maggie said...
Lisa - if they had a hockey puck frame I so would have bought it. You'll be happy to know that I did include hockey in the sport pennant border in his room.

Rhonda - Smack into a tree. Swear to god. I picked him up from camp and he has this band-aid on his forehead. When I asked him what happened he pantomimed the whole thing for me. He thought it was so funny. One of the other little kids said "He's really good at soccer, but he stinks at football."

Blogger fuzzandfuzzlet said...
Hey we have some those frames for my sons room. I have found a few at the Dollar Store and in the Dollar section at Walmart. I don`t have the entire set tho ( guess that is why they are at the dollar store lol)

Lori (adoptive mommy to Joey and Dawn Elise)