Thursday, March 09, 2006
I've come to the conclusion that I know nothing.

I had hopes that my dossier would be filed with the MOE today. When I inquired about it I was told that R.R. (my regional representative) was advised not to file it until they knew more about Peanut's situation. The correct response to that statement is... Huh?

Obviously I've misunderstood something. I thought R.R. had to file my dossier in order to inquire about Peanut. Apparently I'm incorrect. It's all very chicken-or-the-egg and I don't know what comes first. I swear, the adoption process can turn an educated, intelligent person into a quivering mass of mental mush.
This is your brain...
This is your brain on adoption...
Blogger Lauri said...
That looks about right... Im convinced that when it comes to adoption... take anything that makes logical sense and do the opposite. Fingerprints are good a year- not for adoption- need em every 6 months. I just had a HIV test 3 months ago.... oh well get another one. It's enough to drive a person MAD- Mad I tell ya

Hang in there- hope you get great news soon

Blogger bethee said...
Ok, that is hilarious!! LOVE IT!

Blogger Her Grace said...
Ug. I'm so sorry. I hope that they get this straightened out tomorrow. It falls into the "If I ran the world.." category, but then, if I (or you) ran the world, Peanut would already be home.

Blogger Elle said...
That is so funny, yet true! I am glad to know that I am NOT the only one to have lost it.

Blogger Elle said...
P.S. Sending good thoughts your way.

Blogger Jennefer said...
I wondered why there wasn't a better comprehensive guide to adoption before I started this process. Now I understand- it is because the process is so convoluted and crazy no one could could possibly cover it accurately or adequately.

I hope you hear some more positive and informative news soon.

Blogger Rhonda said...
Amen sister. I used to think I was halfway intelligent before I started the adoption process.

Blogger Shannon said...
SO funny, because its sooo true!! I know I used to be able to remember more than one thing at a time. Now, however, if its not about adoption it only has a 2% chance of sticking in my brain!!!

Blogger Kim said...
Oh, how true this is! We adopted domestically, and even that is absolutely illogical and frustrating. I thought I'd scream if I heard "well, it depends," one more time! Hang in there.

Blogger M3 said...
Hilarious!!!! Love the illustration. It's perfect. :-)

Blogger Elle said...
It is the paperwork I tell you. Paperwork=Stupidity. It really does make you stupider. (see, stupider isn't even a word!)

Oh Bethany, this WILL be different when I rule the world.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
That couldn't be more true!

Blogger Sandra said...
Hi - I just found your blog through a comment you left on another blog! I love your photo of a brain on adoption - it's so true!

Great blog! It sounds like you are really moving along in the adoption of your son!