Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Easter!
One more holiday. Another tick-mark on the calendar. One more holiday closer to Peanut.

When Thanksgiving rolled around I really missed him, but it was all good. My family gamely posed for a photo to send to Peanut (this was before I knew that he'd left the orphanage) and I planned to send it to him in Christmas package. Days later I learned that he was gone.

Christmas came and I was a wreck. I was angry and bitter and generally an unpleasant person to be around. I wanted him there with me and I was determined to not enjoy the holiday without him. The next day I thought over my actions on Christmas, realized I was acting like a petulant child, and promptly called my parents and my sisters and apologized.

Today I'm missing him as always, but I'm excited about what Easter will bring next year. Peanut loved hiding things -- I found the keys to my neighbor's house in my bathroom cabinet, action figures in my mixing bowls, and an old picture of me tucked in between the fitted sheet and mattress in his room. He will love this holiday (other than church, which he doesn't love yet). I spent time this morning just sitting on my couch imagining the places I could hide eggs with clues to the whereabouts of his basket.

I had a blessed childhood. My parents, dad especially, worked hard to make every holiday special. Easter was always fun. I had this HUGE basket that held an enormous amount of candy. The bounty was quickly depleted, though, because all the goose eggs (marshmallow eggs) went to my dad, I had to make baskets and share my candy with the girls who lived across the street, and, being the youngest-by-far of five kids, my siblings all took their unfair share of my basket. I'll never forget the year I still couldn't find my basket after hours and hours of searching. I finally found it Easter evening inside the clothes dryer in the basement. My mom was started to worry that she wouldn't be able to do laundry on Monday!

I'm so looking forward to the traditions and holidays I'm going to share with Peanut. So happy Easter, kiddo, wherever you are. I'm sending you hugs and all of my love.

Blogger sandy said...
Margaret, I just read the first few posts of your blog, of Peanut coming to see you for the first time, and then having to leave to go back to Russia. It was heartbreaking, and yet so encouraging to read those words "lubloo America, lubloo Mama". It was exactly what I needed to read for an Easter morning. I hope your holiday is full of joy, and that Peanut shares every Easter hereafter with you.

Blogger Rhonda said...
I loved this post. I can't wait until you are able to give Peanut the Easter you had. Happy Easter to both of you!

Blogger Jennefer said...
Are you in this family photo? It looks like you have a neat family that is very supportive of you. I am glad that you are feeling more optimistic today. I am sure you will spend many Happy Easters with Peanut in the future!

Blogger Her Grace said...
I love that picture. It really was a great idea, and I wish Peanut had got it, because I know he would have thought it was very cool.

I'm glad that at this holiday you are able to look ahead. Good times for you and Peanut are coming.

Blogger Maggie said...
I'm in the photo. But you'll have to guess!

btw - the signs say "Hi (Peanut's real name)! We love you!"

Blogger Kristin said...
It's wonderful that Peanut is coming home to such a loving and celebratory family!

Blogger A Room to Grow said...
What a neat idea, I wish Peanut was able to see the picture. You must tell us which one you are!!!

Looking forward to next easter and seeing the pics of the huge easter egg hunt at your house!

Blogger Aimee said...
I just read why you call your blog Peanut Pants and it's so incredibly sweet.

Blogger Stephanie V said...
Let's make a pact, no more Holidays without our wee ones - deal?

Blogger Kristin said...
hi margaret... i've tagged you! read instructions on my blog, please:-)!