Friday, April 14, 2006
The Pros
I've spent an awful lot of time lately focusing on the "cons" of this adoption. The process has taken it's toll on me: I've had some grey hairs since I was 18, but now they're starting to take over and that little line on my forehead has officially become a wrinkle. More than that, I'm so sensitive now that it doesn't take much to upset me. So tonight I'm going to focus on the positive.

The Pros:

  • I'm hoping for a mid- to late-June court date. That means I'll have Peanut home before his 9th birthday in July.
  • Peanut will have a few months to adjust before starting school. He's a good student, so I've been worried about how he'll do with the language barrier. Not doing well will frustrate and upset him. Over the summer I'll be able to work with him and help his English develop a bit before school.
  • I won't have to travel to Siberia in the winter.
  • Lighter clothes = Margaret being able to pack more.
  • The delays have given me more time to come up with the money.
  • In summer, everything here will be familiar for him which will help him adjust.

So it's not all bad. I'm really pinning my hope on June, which is potentially setting myself up for disappointment again. But I have to have something to aim for. Another summer with Peanut is a good thing to look forward to.

Blogger bethee said...
We were delayed over a year. Moving next door or down the road is one thing. 1700 miles, well, its another. We didn't get our S*)# together until recently, and boy have we get it together all of a sudden. You will bring Peanut home. I have every faith in that. And in you.

Blogger Elle said...
You have to have goals sweetie. Even if it means modifying them along the way. I think that is what keeps us sane throughout all of this. I am glad you took the time to look at the positive. The negative list seems to get longer by the day, but the positives grow right along with it.

Blogger Rhonda said...
I'm with Elle on this one. Set a goal! You've got to have that. I love your idea of focusing on the positive. That is something I need to do more often. Thanks for the inspiration.