Thank the Lord, I've been tagged.
Kristin has tagged me and I couldn't be more grateful. Not that I'm a big MEME fan, but I have had zero inspiration for blogging lately. There's no news on the adoption front to report (besides
Mr. Buttinsky stirring up shit again, but what's new there?) and since I pretty much live my life with blinders on, there's not much outside of adoption to write about, either.
So, six weird facts about Margaret it is.
1) I attended the first university I went to for two whole weeks. I knew that I didn't want to go, but I was afraid to disappoint my parents. When I got to my dorm I met my roommate who constantly slurped out of a pop can, subsequently burped or farted, and then sprayed Lysol. Over and over and over. Not a roomie that can entice a homesick 17-year old to stay put. So I went home and I've never regretted it.*
2) I have been this close (imagine my thumb and pointer finger held with just a wee bit of space between them) to being engaged twice. When I look back at all of my ex-bfs, the two that I came close to marrying were generally the worst of the bunch.
3) I'm closer in age to my oldest nephew than I am any of my siblings.
4) I know how to say "Blow me down with a rubber banana" in Finnish.
5) All of the cans in my cupboard have to face with the label forward and my towels have to line up perfectly -- just like the scary guy in
Sleeping with the Enemy.
6) I have
TMJ. Once, when auditioning for a part in a local performance of the musical Oklahoma, my jaw locked open right in the middle of the song.
"Ooooooohk - ah, ah, ow..."
Crack! (The sound of me knocking my jaw into place.)
"Sorry about that."
"...lahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plain."
Needless to say I wasn't cast in the play.
Consider yourself tagged:
Lauri from
Leap of Faith (if you have time between diaper changes)
Bethany from
145Rhonda from
Still WaitingTricia from
Russian AdoptionDebbie from
Brown's Journey to RussiaShelli from
Turnips & Carrots If you've been tagged, you know the drill. Write 6 weird things about yourself on your blog and then you're supposed to tag 6 more people. Yada, yada, yada.
* This is a post about weirdness, so I have to tell you more about my first college roommate. When I checked into the dorm I had brought this beautiful grey carpet. But she got there first and had flourescent mango carpet. It was like the color a gay hunter would wear during deer season. That was my first clue. On my second day there she told me I was the best friend she'd ever had. That was my second clue. She brought a 20-pound bag of potatoes and an industrial-sized box of Kudos bars with her. Clue #3. I woke up once to find her sitting on her bed staring at me. Scary clue #4. After that I started avoiding my dorm room as much as possible. I stayed out late with a friend one night and when I quietly walked into our room at about 3 am I heard a voice come from the darkness "Where. Have. You. Been?" I turned on the light, and there she was -- sitting in the dark on a chair positioned just feet in front of the door. Ding! Ding! Ding! She was a certified Lysol-spraying gassy psycho. Two days later I hightailed it outta there!
(come back and comment that you have posted so people can bop over and read your meme)
Funny, I tried out for the Oklahoma musical too at my high school. I didn't make it in either. I can act O.K., but I can't sing.