Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Thank Heaven for Little Memes
Thank the Lord, I've been tagged. Kristin has tagged me and I couldn't be more grateful. Not that I'm a big MEME fan, but I have had zero inspiration for blogging lately. There's no news on the adoption front to report (besides Mr. Buttinsky stirring up shit again, but what's new there?) and since I pretty much live my life with blinders on, there's not much outside of adoption to write about, either.

So, six weird facts about Margaret it is.

1) I attended the first university I went to for two whole weeks. I knew that I didn't want to go, but I was afraid to disappoint my parents. When I got to my dorm I met my roommate who constantly slurped out of a pop can, subsequently burped or farted, and then sprayed Lysol. Over and over and over. Not a roomie that can entice a homesick 17-year old to stay put. So I went home and I've never regretted it.*

2) I have been this close (imagine my thumb and pointer finger held with just a wee bit of space between them) to being engaged twice. When I look back at all of my ex-bfs, the two that I came close to marrying were generally the worst of the bunch.

3) I'm closer in age to my oldest nephew than I am any of my siblings.

4) I know how to say "Blow me down with a rubber banana" in Finnish.

5) All of the cans in my cupboard have to face with the label forward and my towels have to line up perfectly -- just like the scary guy in Sleeping with the Enemy.

6) I have TMJ. Once, when auditioning for a part in a local performance of the musical Oklahoma, my jaw locked open right in the middle of the song.

"Ooooooohk - ah, ah, ow..."
Crack! (The sound of me knocking my jaw into place.)
"Sorry about that."
"...lahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plain."

Needless to say I wasn't cast in the play.

Consider yourself tagged:

Lauri from Leap of Faith (if you have time between diaper changes)
Bethany from 145
Rhonda from Still Waiting
Tricia from Russian Adoption
Debbie from Brown's Journey to Russia
Shelli from Turnips & Carrots

If you've been tagged, you know the drill. Write 6 weird things about yourself on your blog and then you're supposed to tag 6 more people. Yada, yada, yada.

* This is a post about weirdness, so I have to tell you more about my first college roommate. When I checked into the dorm I had brought this beautiful grey carpet. But she got there first and had flourescent mango carpet. It was like the color a gay hunter would wear during deer season. That was my first clue. On my second day there she told me I was the best friend she'd ever had. That was my second clue. She brought a 20-pound bag of potatoes and an industrial-sized box of Kudos bars with her. Clue #3. I woke up once to find her sitting on her bed staring at me. Scary clue #4. After that I started avoiding my dorm room as much as possible. I stayed out late with a friend one night and when I quietly walked into our room at about 3 am I heard a voice come from the darkness "Where. Have. You. Been?" I turned on the light, and there she was -- sitting in the dark on a chair positioned just feet in front of the door. Ding! Ding! Ding! She was a certified Lysol-spraying gassy psycho. Two days later I hightailed it outta there!
Blogger Elle said...
I too have the can affliction. This goes with my inability to purchase anything in a dented, scratched or otherwise maimed container.

Blogger Elle said...
Eeww.. she was a scary roommate. That just freaked me out! I have to have all my canned goods lined up, facing the front. My towels have to be perfect too!

Blogger Kristin said...
I want to know how to say "blow me down with a rubber banana" too!!!

(come back and comment that you have posted so people can bop over and read your meme)

Blogger A Room to Grow said...
too funny about the psycho roommate. i think we've all been there. mine wasn't a roommate, but a (girl)friend of mine. one night she invited me over to her place for dinner and there were candles, and a dozen roses, waiting for me. needless to say, i was thinking "what is going on here?" and it was all a little awkward.

Blogger A Room to Grow said...
ps. thanks for the tag.

Blogger Maggie said...
Blow me down with a rubber banana in Finnish is "Poohala minut alaz goomi bananilla." Only Bethany knows why...

Blogger Her Grace said...
Thank you for reminding me that I speak a small bit of Finnish. I won't repeat the other phrase we learned.

Blogger Maggie said...
I remember what the other phrase we learned said (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year... yeah, right!) but I've forgotten how to say it. And, you know what? That's quite all right with me!

Blogger Jennefer said...
I can't believe there are people like your roomate in the world. Going away to college for the first time is hard enough without having to deal with psycho roomates.

Funny, I tried out for the Oklahoma musical too at my high school. I didn't make it in either. I can act O.K., but I can't sing.