A daredevil. He loved to ride his bike, but was new to the two-wheel concept, so he relied on his training wheels a lot at first. Soon after learning to ride he became the Russian Evil Knieval. Once while he was riding in front of the house I called to him from my bedroom window. Excited he said "Mama, s'matri!" (Watch me) He raised his hands in the air, put his feet on the bar and took a flying leap off the bike. My heart dropped, but he was proud.
A cuddlebug. In the evenings when we were watching Spy Kids for 100,000th time I'd lay on the couch and he'd crawl right up with me so I could tickle his back. I can't tell you how many times he'd reach his hand up to touch my cheek and quietly say "Ya loublue tebya" (I love you). With the smallest gestures he could melt my heart.
An artist. When he first arrived he found the small magnetic drawing board I had bought for him in the car. He drew a car that looked like mine -- with wheel spokes and everything. He loved to draw and paint and, I might be biased, but I think he was really good at it.
An athlete. He loved every sport we tried, but soccer is his thing. One night I brought him to the high school girls' goalie practice. He was so good that he gave the girls a run for their money. I swear he's the love-child of Cobi Jones and the Energizer bunny.
A comedian. He would do anything to make you laugh. Every time he did something goofy I'd laugh and say "That's my boy!" Apparently he thought that meant "How funny" or something of that sort. Once he was with my sister and hid in her garage so he jump out and startle her. After jumping out he exclaimed "That's my boy!"
A giver. He's generous and kind, qualities you wouldn't think would develop in an orphanage. He loved having things he could give to others. Once we spent a great day at my friend K's house boating and hanging out. When we were leaving he gave K a book, gave my sunglasses to K's husband, and a used-up disposable camera to their son. Not the nicest gifts in the world, but they were precious to him.
Perfect in my eyes. I could list his attributes for hours, but what it all boils down to is that he is the child of my heart. He's left an indelible mark on my soul and I have to bring him home. I miss him always, but some days are harder than others. Today, I ache for the sound of my boy's voice. I crave his laughter and sweet hugs. With every fiber of my being I want to look in beautiful golden-brown eyes and tell him that I love him.
Thanks for sharing.