Sunday, May 07, 2006
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
I've been trying to handle this with grace. I've been fighting to maintain faith and optimism. Today I just don't have what it takes to be that person. Today I'm pissed off.

I met my Kidsave friends for lunch today and it was great to see them. (I actually found out that one friend started her own blog. Check her out!) Now I'm home and I'm emotionally exhausted. I love my Kidsave family. We're all so different, yet we've formed a cohesive group of friends. It's an unexpected perk of hosting. But hearing about the families that are going to bring their kids home was hard. I'm happy for them, but I want to go too! (OK Margaret, let's face the ugly truth.) I'm jealous.

I am so angry at everything that went wrong. I'm angry that my agency continued with this hosting program when they weren't accredited. I'm angry that we were advised not to do paperwork when the kids were here. I'm furious that we were told to stop calling the kids in November. And I'm just enraged that my boy -- a child that could have had a happy home here with me -- was placed into a patr*nat family when there are literally tens of thousands of other children that could have been selected. And the worst part? I don't really have anyone to be angry at.

Last summer Peanut attended a day camp and he made friends with some boys his age. But, since he's just a little thing, they were way bigger than him. After a while I think the novelty of a Russian friend wore off and they started being mean to him (or at least that is what he thought). So what did he do? He punched a little kid. He was angry at the big kids but couldn't take them so he knocked out a little kid. Good behavior? Heck no! It's what got him expelled from day camp. But I would love to take a page out of my kid's book. I would love to just take my anger out on someone.

I want my son home with me. It's as simple as that.

Letting go of someone you love isn't a decision. It doesn't happen in one fell swoop. It's a process and it comes in fits and starts. I'm so tired of the emotional work required in letting go of my child. Especially considering I don't want to let him go at all.

So how's that for grace?
Blogger Jennefer said...
I am so sorry. This definitely sucks. I would be angry too. I AM angry about it. I think you have shown much more bravery, restraint and graciousness than I could have ever expressed under the circumstances.

Blogger Suz said...
Margaret, I've got tears in my eyes just thinking of the sadness you are having to bear. I have no words of tremendous wisdom. Just know that it's ok for you to feel - jealous, angry, sad - - every feeling. Keep sharing in your blog, your blog friends and IRL friends will continue to encourage you as you travel this path. Just keep yourself open to accepting the love.

Blogger Rhonda said...
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Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think its graceful to admit both the pain and the anger. Of course you are angry- I'd worry if you weren't. And you are right, that grief is a process, and a messy one at that. I'm sorry this hurts so much.

Blogger Rhonda said...
I am so very sorry this happened Margaret. You are in my thoughts!

Blogger M3 said...
Ok, I don't mean to be crass, but SCREW grace, you have a right to be mad! This is hard!!! Sending you good thoughts and thinking about you.

Blogger Her Grace said...
I'm pretty sure there's not a rule book out there and even if there was I don't think that grace should be included in it.

I think that you are handling this in the most emotionally healthy way possible. When you feel good -- you take advantage of it and lay the groundwork for the adoption of your future child. When you feel mad -- you get mad. You write about it, you talk about it, and you probably stomp around your home muttering and shaking your fists. When you're sad -- you collapse and cry. Feelings are for feeling, and I think the only way to get through this is to face each one as it comes and deal with it head on.

I'm so sorry you're having to go through this and I'm here for you for anything you need.

Blogger Yeah So said...
If this happened to me, you'd probably see my name in the paper. You've handled this great so far, I think your reaction is totally normal. Let it out! Scream, cry, eat your weight in chocolate! I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!! ....sorry, got a little carried away thoughts are with you.

Blogger Elle said...
Running around the house kicking and screaming or falling into a weeping puddle are all natural. In fact you are right. Screw grace. You are allowed to be pissed off. The rest of us are pretty pissed off right along with you. Do what needs to be done. I have a bottle of Vodka with your name written all over it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You're not one iota less graceful in my book!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I would like to correspond with you via private e-mail about your experience. Would you please e-mail me at:

Blogger Lauri said...
Im with Elle- screw grace
what your going through sucks, its not fair and it makes no sense at all. Im so sorry you have to hurt like this....


Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think your responses are very natural! I'm still astounded at your strength...I would have crawled into a dark, corner and wouldn't be out by now!

Grace is overrated!