Monday, May 08, 2006
With a Soft Click...
...the door closes.

I spoke to my agency coordinator today. She says she already told me this, but somehow I didn't hear it. Peanut's new mom has pre-signed patr*nat contracts up to his 18th birthday.

The door is firmly closed.

Of course it hurts, but it's also reassuring to know that she is in this for the long haul.

As for now, I have a lot to sort through emotionally, financially, and logically. I just need to take some quiet time to figure it all out. It's like stepping into the shallows of a clear lake -- the sand is all stirred up and everything is murky right now so I can't really see where I'm standing. But I know if I just stay still for a while everything will clear up.
Blogger bethee said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ugh- I'm sorry. But I'm a firm believer in getting the pain over and done with if the outcome (no Peanut) was going to be the same in the end. So even though I'm sorry the door has firmly closed for you and Peanut, I'm also glad, if that makes any sense, because at least it provides closure and an opportunity to figure out next steps.

Sending hugs.

Blogger Jennefer said...
You know the cliché- when one door closes another one opens. (I am sure that wasn't helpful at all)
I know it is hard to clear your head and know what path to follow- what to do next. I agree that time alone to think may bring on the inspiration you need.

Blogger Gaye and Andrew said...
oh Margaret...I wish I could just give you a big hug right now. You have every right to get mad, sad, are grieving right now. My thoughts are with you...gaye

Blogger Yeah So said...
I love your analogy and completely agree. Here's wishing you peaceful days and clearer waters.

Blogger Carrie said...
I'm so sorry! I can't imagine the heartache of losing a child. I hope that you this time of reflection can bring you healing a peace.

Blogger Lauri said...
Im so sorry- I too love your analogy and I pray for clarity and peace for you.

Take care

Anonymous Anonymous said...
My thoughts and prayers are with you.